Thursday, January 12, 2012


Guess what? I'm baaaaack! But really. Here I am, continuing my page count. It's a new year, but I don't feel like giving myself a new goal until this one is finished. Luckily the library decided that fifty days is enough to wait for a book and got Crossed just in time for the new semester to start. So here we go.

Crossed ~ 367 pages

"What else should we bring?" Vick asks, looking through some of the books.
"We can find something in the morning," I say. For some reason the neatly ordered and abandoned books make me feel sad. Tired. I wish Cassia were here with me. She's turn each page and read every word. I can picture her in the dim light of the cave with her bright eyes and her smile and I close my eyes. That shadowy memory might be as close as I come to seeing her again.

Crossed is the sequel to Matched, a book I blogged in the summer, so feel free to look back at that. While Matched was about freewill and choice, Crossed is about what you do with that free agency. So since this is a sequel, it might give away some of the first book, so if you don't want to know how Matched ends, skip down past the bold purple 900.

The story starts with Cassia, who has decided to go against her oppressive government and find Ky, who has been taken away. It's against the law for Cassia to love Ky because she has been Matched or paired with Xander, her best friend. (All this means is that she's required by law to marry him.) This book goes back and forth between Cassia and Ky's point of view, each chapter with a different narrator. Ky has been kicked out of the society and deported to the outer provinces, to face sure death, no one lives very long outside of the society. He's also trying to return to Cassia.

This book was different, and even though I think I liked the first one more, the sequel is complimentary to the series. Crossed is like reading poetry. It's really beautiful writing, and it makes it so engaging to read. It's downfall would be that not that much happens. What could've taken half a book to tell became a full book. Not to say that it wasn't interesting, but at the end, I felt as though I didn't get as much story as I wanted.

All in all I enjoyed reading this book. I will read the third one when it comes out. Last time I blogged this series I said it was like Hunger Games, Twilight, and Book Thief combined. I'm going to explain that thought. Hunger Games because of the dystopia government and the futuristic setting of the book. Twilight because it's a romance book, the characters fall in love despite it being super dangerous. Book Thief because of the poetic writing of the author. If that sounds interesting, this is the book series for you.

1,268 - 368 = 900 pages left.

Well, I'll be the first to admit that one book since school started is really sad. I started a book in the semester, but just didn't have to time to read it. I'm going to finish it and I'm waiting for two books from the library (it's been 43 days so....) so you'll for sure be getting new blogs. Once I finish my goal, who knows, maybe I'll set another one. All this info and more, coming when I figure it out myself!

Read on,


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