Sunday, January 24, 2016

Memoirs, Biographies, and Autobiographies, oh my!

I used to hate reading biographies. Like, a lot. Then something happened. I guess I grew up? Or maybe, comedians like Tina Fey started writing books and they were interesting and funny while teaching you a little something. It certainly started with Tina Fey for me.
Last year I read Bossy Pants and discovered that I actually LIKED biographies. That led me to reading As You Wish, and those led me to reading four biographies so far this year.

Yes Please - Amy Poehler - 329 Pages
4/5 Stars

YES. PLEASE. Amy Poehler has been my queen since the beginning of Parks and Recreation. I genuinely like her and her comedy. She delivers big laughs and big heart in her book which she says she had a very hard time writing. I only hope that the hardness of the task doesn't actually keep her from writing another. I found this book to be better organized than Bossy Pants, the thread of stories and experiences has an understandable flow as it unfolds. The Parks and Rec section slayed me and her stories of forgiveness brought tears to my eyes. Yes, Amy is funny, but she's also very wise. The main purpose of this book isn't to make you laugh (but you sure will) and I found that to be much more endearing that Bossy Pants as well. Poehler fans, this is a must read.

Food: A Love Story - Jim Gaffigan - 340 Pages
4/5 Stars

I am a soul sister of Jim Gaffigan. I too am not a foodie. I am an eatie. I'd rather eat the food than take pictures of it and I'd rather eat something delicious than something good for me. Yes, this whole book is about food, so don't read it while you're hungry. I wasn't hungry but still found myself craving some french fries every time I opened the book. It's pretty funny that this was the longest biography I read when it's all about Jim's relationship with food, and that's it. A bit of each chapter was similar to or word for word from Jim's standup special Mr. Universe, but that didn't bug me since I love that special. There is, however, a lot of new material, so if you like Jim Gaffigan's comedy or you love food, this book was written for you.

Sounds Like Me: My Life (So Far) In Song - Sara Bareilles - 208 Pages
5/5 Stars

Sara Bareilles wrote a book.

Have you left to buy it yet?... I'll wait.

I have never connected to a musicians music like Sara's. Her lyrics are so honest and personal, how could I not? Her book writing is just as honest and lovely. Each chapter is named after a song of hers and tells about that time in her life. It almost read like a life guide. I could read this book a thousand times because there's so much to learn from Sara, and it's only 200 pages! Sara also wrote about the struggle of writing this book, but I never would have been able to tell. I'll just keep reading this book until I get to see Waitress.

Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns) - Mindy Kaling - 222 Pages
5/5 Stars

Oh my gosh, a famous person gets me. I honestly felt like Mindy was looking into my soul and sharing all of my fears and hopes. I don't know how to describe it other than that. She shares funny life stories, stories from the writer's room of The Office, gives advice to Men, and just keeps it real. This was probably my favorite (or tied with Sara Bareilles) to read because it just felt so real and relatable in every chapter. Even if you don't know much about Mindy Kaling I recommend this book to biography readers and even non-biography readers looking for a fun and poignant read.

Read On,


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