Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Hunger Games, Fang

The Hunger Games ~ 374 Pages

Even though he brightens a bit when I come in, it's clear he feels miserable. I put cool cloths on his head, but they warm up almost as soon as they touch his skin.
"Do you want anything?" I ask.
"No," he says. "Thank you. Wait, yes. Tell me a story."
"A story? What about?" I say. I'm not much for story-telling. It's kind of like singing. But once in a while, Prim wheedles one out of me.
"Something happy. Tell me about the happiest day you can remember," says Peeta.
Something between a sigh and a huff os exasperation leaves my mouth. A happy story? This will require a lot more effort than the soup.

We all knew it was coming. And here goes my rant.

I absolutely love this book series. I think they are beautifully written. But I cannot deal with the fact that they are making a movie.

Nothing in the movie is going to live up to the promise of the book. It's not like Harry Potter. They can't possibly recreate this book without blacking out critical parts. It's about kids killing each other because they are forced to. This whole thing is just going to end up like Twilight, maybe even worse. Some books (most books) are supposed to stay books. Get your own freaking ideas Hollywood! You think every book that sells well will make a good movie. It's not even close to true.

Let's face it. Twilight ruined everything good in this world. Twilight is the reason no one is afraid of Vampires anymore. Twilight is the reason all young adult books that sell even remotely well will be made into movies. Twilight is the reason why people think they are so smart because they read lots of books but all they've ever read is Twilight! Twilight is the reason I can't sleep at night. Twilight is the reason young girls IQs are dropping at an alarming rate. Twilight is the reason I hate young adult novels that come out now, it's all Vampire this and Werewolf that. Twilight is the reason kids think it's cool to dress in dark clothes that look all emo but have Edward's face on the front. Twilight is the reason I can't go into hot topic. Twilight is the reason for all the people that think they are amazing actors but really just suck. Twilight is the reason The Hunger Games is being made into a movie.

I'm not going to really tell you what happens in this book, you just need to read it. (and boycott the movie when it comes out) I think anyone and everyone in the whole world should read this book, before they ruin everything with the movie.

374 pages down with 3,327 to go... oh I'm just so mad right now...

Fang ~ 327 pages

I was so mortified I was speechless for a second. Then I stamped my foot and said, "Get back to your books!" Which was, of course, a huge mistake.
They just stared at me for a moment, then Iggy's face contorted into anger. He yanked off his iPod earphones and threw the whole thing across the room. "I can't take it anymore!"
"Hey!" I said sharply. "Those are expensive!"
"I can't help it!" He shouted. "I've been listening to how the Roman Empire fell, and all I can say is, it didn't fall nearly fast enough!"

I know what your thinking. "You JUST chewed out Twilight and other young adult books for being all about Vampires and Werewolfs, but here you are reading one." To this I say, "Fang is the name of a character, and he is not a Vampire, a werewolf, a fairy, or a wizard. He is simply a boy who had bird DNA injected into him and happens to have wings...

This book is number six in the Maximum Ride series. I was so into this series when the first two came out. The first three books are so amazing. Number four? Well, lets just say I hated it so much, I stopped reading them, until now. I will admit, I missed book number five, but I guessing very little happened because I wasn't confused at all.

I am wishing though, that the books had stopped after three. The first three made sense together. The third book wrapped everything up. The fourth? It was just so different. Just so... awful. This book is okay. I think James Patterson is an awesome writer and I loved the first three books so I though I'd give it another go. There is another book out right now in the series, book seven titled Angel (another character), but I'm still unsure about reading it. Instead, I've put other James Patterson books on hold.

I'd say read the first three, then stop. Unless you are just so crazy in love with the books you can't contain yourself. You know? Like, when you love the characters so much there could be a book about them doing nothing and you would love it. (Harry Potter is that way for me, and The Hunger Games)

327 pages down, 3,000 to go!

Excuse my rants. And expect more.

Read on,


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